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Friday, September 12, 2008

Great Day!

I started my morning by getting on the scale and to my surprise I had lost 2 more lbs! That is a total of 5 lbs in 3 days! I think it is water weight and I am sure the weight loss will slow down soon - but in the meantime I am very impressed with this Pocket Diet! I am eating healthy and light and I feel better throughout my day. I am also sneaking in some pocket meals for my family. I am dedicating this post to the food I have been eating and I am going to share a couple recipes with you!

So in the morning I have a whole wheat pita half stuffed with banana, peanut butter and honey. It is sticky and sweet and makes me feel naughty! Perfect!

Sticky Breakfast Pita:

1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 large banana
1 tbsp (approx) honey
1/2 Whole wheat pita pocket

Warm the pocket in the microwave about 10 second. Spread 1 tbsp peanut butter inside. Slice banana amd place in pocket. Top with honey and welcome to breakfast heaven! Mmmmm

We had Turkey Burgers one night so I used the leftovers to make a pita:

Turkey Pita Burger

1 Turkey burger patty - grilled or broiled
1 slice colby or swiss cheese (add to patty while cooking)
1/2 Whole Wheat Pita Shell
2 slices tomato
2 leaves green lettuce
ketchup & mustard
1 tbsp light mayo

Warm the pita bread in microwave approx 10 seconds
spread light mayo inside
cut the patty in half
Stuff inside the pita
add tomato & lettuce
top with mustard and ketchup

I added baby carrots and sliced avocado to complete the meal.

Lastly, trying to get my 5 year old to eat anything is a challenge! He loves the pita bread and called it "Honey Bread" He eats the peanut butter and banana pitas like crazy! Today he wanted honey bread for lunch but we were out of bananas so I decided to make him a fruit pizza. We don't have a lot of fresh fruit as it is the end of the week so I compromised a bit. Here is the recipe:

Nutty Fruity Pitza

1 whole wheat pita pocket
1 tbsp whipped berry cream cheese
(you can also substitute any flavor yogurt!)
about 7 grapes
half a small green apple sliced into small chunks
2 tbsp raisins
2 tbsp honey roasted peanuts

Warm the shell in microwave about 10 seconds
spread cream cheese on shell
top with toppings and serve!

Any type of Pizza even a Pitza = Happy boy!

And he is EATING!! :)


Jen said...

Those recipes look really good! I might have to give the pita diet a try.

Tamara Dawn said...

Hiya Jen! Let me know if you come up with any yummy Pita Recipes! I got creative tonight - my husband made hot dogs, tater tots & broccoli for dinner (I was out running errands) I came home and told him no way was I eating hot dogs so I grabbed some tater tots, a bunch of the broccoli and topped it with some shredded cheese popped it in a pita and warmed it up - it was GREAT! I am beginning to wonder if everything tastes great in a pita, lol!