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Monday, November 10, 2008

Leftover Challenge

Today is cleaning day for me, which means I should be cleaning right now instead of blogging! I had to take a break after doing the dishes because I am frustrated right now. We have been so hard to save money and I just threw a ton of it down my garbage disposal.

I try and make home cooked meals every night. Sometimes if we are out and about we may stop for something but most of the time we dine at home, which saves us a ton of money. Lately I have been trying to cook portions the right size for my family because we are terrible at eating leftovers. Still, I find we have tupperware containers all over the fridge full of food no one wants to eat.

What is the big deal about leftovers anyway? Why do people avoid them like the plague? I honestly look forward to some leftovers. Like if I make pasta, chili, soup or anything like that it tastes even better after a day or two of sitting in it's juices. Last night my husband made garlic cheesy potatoes and I could not wait to eat the leftovers for breakfast.

I have a 5 day rule on my leftovers. Anything after 5 days gets tossed. So today was tossing day and I threw out pasta noodles, baked beans, veggies, baked potatoes, and some chicken. I feel disgusted every time I throw food away, not just because of the money going down the drain but because there are people in this world who go hungry each day and the idea of throwing food away just makes me feel so guilty.

So with that being said, I am going to challenge myself to get these leftovers eaten all week. come Monday, I don't want to throw food down the sink. My plan is simple, if I cook something and there is food left over, I will pack what I can for my husband's lunch at work and if there is more leftover, I will either eat it the next day or serve it to my family along with whatever else I make for dinner that night.

I am not sure how well this will go since we are good about eating leftovers already. Though I have never tried serving them with dinner the next evening so we will see if that works.

This whole situation has got me curious...

Do YOU eat your leftovers? What do YOU do about them?


Anonymous said...

I have a 5 day rule too but if it includes meat, I personally won't eat it after 3 days. I'm not a big meat eater though so that's not really a problem. I freeze my leftovers in smaller portions a lot though so then I have quick and easy meals. I can't stand wasting it.

On another note, I got the TLC bars today in the mail! Thank you so much!!!


♥ Braja said...

Interesting....I live in a village in India, and we eat pretty much local grown and hardly anything processed. So I'll meet your challenge honey and raise you a jar or two! As for leftovers, I'm with you: tastes better the next day....

The Happy Mom said...

I'm pretty picky about leftovers, there are only a few that I like. I LOVE leftover pizza, especially cold, and I love Italian pasta salad the next day, it always tastes better. But most other things, I won't eat. My husband, on the other hand, hasn't met a leftover he doesn't like! :)

Anonymous said...

Make a leftover night. Put it on your menu near the end of the week and use those yummy treats up.
Try and make it fun. Make up menus of what you have in the fridge like a restuarant and let the family pick out what they want.
My kids love to play the waiters. They can easily heat up the items and the leftovers get eaten!

Unknown said...

I get picky about leftovers too...my general rule is i cook 2 days in a row then on the 3rd day I re-heat LO's and may add in a baked potatoe or veggie
stopping by from SITS to say Hi

Mercedes said...

We are dorky and call them planned overs. Somethings like lasagna, pancakes, waffles, etc we freeze and pull out in binds. We normally always have leftovers for lunch the next day and plan an night where we are both busy and make it leftover night. Also if it is a side we might just serve it as a side again that week. We still have to dump some, but if it is non meat products we just put it in the compost pile. If it is meat products we give it do our dog.