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Sunday, September 14, 2008

What to do with a plain box of Lemon Cake Mix?

Every Monday I get together with other parents from our church and we fellowship and enjoy home baked goods. Tomorrow I am signed up to bring dessert. I bought a box of organic lemon cake mix last time I was at Whole Foods and now I am trying to figure out how to turn this boxed mix into something fabulous that all the other ladies will oooh and ahhh over -- well that is a little self indulgent but anyone who cooks absolutely loves when they hear "This is delicious! I MUST have this recipe!" It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I make people happy through baked treats!

Sooooooo as you can see I am pondering fantastic things for this little box right now...

I'll let ya know what I come up with!


The Cooking Lady said...

Lemon cake, lemon Iced Tea, lemon dressing...are you getting the picture. You can do no wrong with lemons as far as I am concerned.

Looking forward to seeing what you find and come up with.

Anonymous said...

Well said.