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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Are What You Eat

I am addicted to BBCA's You Are What You Eat show! Holistic nutritionist Gillian McKeith is just brutal when she confronts people who are over-eating and unhealthy. My favorite part is when she is raiding their cupboards and fridge. Which makes me wonder what she would not like about my own pantry and items in my refrigerator. So as soon as I uncover my digital camera (it's hiding in my desk area somewhere - either that or my 5 year old ran off with it again!) I plan to post pictures of what is in my fridge and pantry. Perhaps you will join me? I think it is fun to poke around other people's cupboards too!

*Update* I finally found my camera - it appears my 5 year old thought he was an abstract photographer and I am in the process of deleting like 188 pictures....if you are a mother you know that completing any task is hard with one child tugging at you and I have 3 so it may be a little while! I promise to update soon (soon being on kid time so bear with me!!)


Anonymous said...

Kids can be so funny sometimes. My daughter takes pictures of her dollies. Their hair, or a pair of eyes. Sometimes they are spooky when you are not expecting them. Great Blog :-)

The Cooking Lady said...

What gets me is how people say, "There is no way I eat all of that!", when it is blatantly put on a table for them after a team has followed them around for a day or two.

With all due respect sweetheart, you did not get to the size that you are by eating carrot sticks.

My daughter and I also love this show. I wish more doctors would approach their patients like she does and not hand out prescriptions for gastric by-pass surgery. That is still proving to be something, for the most part, a washout.